

2022年8月8日、国際18世紀学会のPenelope J. Corfield会長は以下のようなメッセージを発出しました。







(2) ISECSの役割は、研究者同士が意見や研究を議論するための自由で開かれた国際的なネットワークを維持することである。時代背景にかかわらず、禁止や追放はおこなわない。


(4) 次回、2023年にローマで開催される国際18世紀学会大会においては、ロシア連邦の研究者の参加を個人の研究者として歓迎すること。ロシアからの参加の場合、国・地域・大学の所属を大会の公式文書に記載することはしない。




国際18世紀学会会長 ペネロピ・コーフィールド




On 4 August 2022, we made one big executive decision, in response to the current war-crisis, after careful discussion, and in the light of statements from the Ukrainian and Russian Societies respectively, which were augmented by two virtual representations on the day.

The following 4-point statement of ISECS policy is circulated for information:


The EC resolves (1) to reaffirm, positively and publicly by all means available, its total support for the Ukrainian people, and its opposition to the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, which is not only a violation of Ukrainian sovereign territory but also a direct assault upon the principles of the United Nations charter.


(2) to uphold the role of ISECS as an international forum for the free and open exchange of views and research among scholars, without bans or prohibitions, in difficult times as well as in good times.


(3) to create a special bursary scheme, to support research, travel and/or conference attendance by scholars from Ukraine.


and (4) to welcome scholars from the Russian Federation, if attending the next ISECS Congress in Rome 2023, as individual scholars, without displaying in the Congress documentation any national, regional or University affiliations from within Russia. END STATEMENT


Further discussions will follow with both Ukrainian and Russian Societies; and the situation will remain under review, as events unfold.


Penelope Corfield